Information on FedEx Forwarding

Getting your parcels sent right to your door is as easy as 1,2,3!

1) Please fill this out and email back to us. FedEx Quote Request Form

2) Call 360-332-7678 with Visa or MC or add $ to your account via PayPal equal to $6.00 per package and let us know you've done so.

3) We will prepare a quote and send it back to you. If you decline the shipment, we will just charge your account or card for the parcel and consolidation fees ($6.00 per package) for us opening and repacking your parcels which are necessary to give you an accurate quote to save a ton of shipping. Also, it will also make it easier for you to pick up your parcels once the border opens and save you money on storage fees which will likely be forthcoming. When you pick up, you will only pay for the consolidated packages.


Base International Forward Fee - $25

Consolidation and Parcel Receiving - $6.00/parcel

Value Fee (Mandatory Insurance) - 3% of the Value

Shipping Cost - Send Back Form Above, Completed, to get an MBI Quote

Other Miscellaneous Fees - Storage, Renewal Fees, Etc.

Duties and Taxes - Unknown to MBI - Paid to FedEx directly, After the Package has Shipped

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