Storage Options

Starting 4/1/21 we will need to start charging storage. Due to the fact that the border is still close to unessential and non-business people, it will still just be a fraction of our typical rate. We will be charging $1.00 per month for anything below 1 cubic foot, anything equal to or above will be $2.00 per month, and anything marked as NL or No Locker, will be $4.00 per month(our normal rate is $.25/day or $7.50 per month for small parcels).

Option 1 - Our Normal Service
For example, if you have 20 small parcels and 2 NL packages, storage would cost $28/month to start, and go down as you start getting parcels forwarded or pick up. You can still have individual parcels forwarded to you or picked up just that special one and leave the rest here. You pay for the parcels and the storage associated with each one as you pick it up either from a locker or in store. You pay nothing until you pick up parcels. As always, parcels not part of a storage agreement may be disposed of after 6 months after the border opens and this discounted storage rate will only be available for six months after said opening.

Option 2 - Consolidation Storage Service
With consolidation, we will prepare your parcels into as few boxes as reasonably possible. You pay for the parcel fees up front, any accrued storage fees, plus $3.00 per parcel, so [22*($3.00 + 3.00)]=$132 for consolidation and we can keep them here until the border opens and you'll pay a lot less in storage this way (est. $1-$4 per month depending on size) versus individual parcels. When you pick up, you pay a parcel fee on the larger box you pick up. In the case of your parcels requiring multiple boxes, we will not be itemizing each box with its contents so you wouldn't have the ability to add just a certain parcel to a locker or get a certain item shipped up. It's like putting your things in storage. The savings on storage could be significant enough to pay for the service in just a couple of months. Additionally, this will save you a ton of time once the border opens.

Option 3 - Storage Agreement
If you know you are going to need some time to pick up all your parcels and need to be able to pick up the occasional select parcel in store or via locker, we can arrange all your parcels on a certain shelf and "rent" you that shelf. The rate is $52 per 77" shelf (min 1/2 shelf @ $30/mo) and we'll keep your parcels as long as you're current on your shelf payment. We would move your account to our "AutoParcel" billing system where you pay for parcels as they arrive. They stay scanned into the system and you have access to them for a locker or pick up.

Let us know which option you feel is best for you based on your unique circumstances. Option 1 is the default so if you do nothing, you'll be on that track. As a reminder, NO storage fees accrued between March 1st 2020 and March 31st, 2021. If you have any more questions, check out the Storage FAQ. If your question wasn't addressed in the FAQ, go ahead and ask us in an email. We're always available for questions!

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